10 Gadgets Strongest in the World
The most powerful compact cameras today is panasonic ft3. This camera can be used to a depth of 12 meters, the deepest of the other. The camera is also impact resistant when dropped from a height of 2 meters, again the strongest of the other cameras. Even so, ft3 stay slim. In fact, the camera is equipped with a built-in GPS, altimeter, compass and barometer. Ability photograph? Sophisticated. 12 megapixel sensor can even produce a 3-dimensional picture and video recording full HD 1920 × 1080 pixels.
2. External hdd / ssd ioSafe Rugged Portable (IP68 rating, mil-STD-810G)
Rugged Portable-fire tested after using the shotgun.
These manufacturers produce the most powerful gadget, maybe in the whole world. His motto be "disaster-resistant hardware." The products are more expensive and some even promising fireproof storage enclosure! Type of rugged portable itself claimed to be crushed to 2.5 tonnes, fell from a height of 3 meters, submerged to a depth of 10 meters for 3 days, and chemicals submerged for up to 1 hour. If protection fails, ioSafe data recovery warranty on each product. Manufacturers demonstrate that the product is even bulletproof. Not only strong, rugged protable too fast with usb 3.0 connection. In fact, the price is not expensive, ranging from $ 149.
3. Usb flash drive atp toughdrive (IP68 rating, mil-std-810)
Atp claim that they were a flash drive is durable and resistant soak. Of course, it does not sound special because flash drives have no moving parts. However, this video toughdrive very extreme test. After the car run over, burned for 1 minute, shot airsoft gun, and fired a second time, toughdrive still functioning. In fact, the LED lights on the outside are still burning!
4. Stealth Computer computing (rating mil-std-810, up to IP67)
Both storage on top is tough, but useless without a computer. If you want the ultimate protection for your computer, stealth computing offers a solution. These manufacturers offer a variety of pc components are modular waterproof. You can choose a suitable keyboard and mouse, then select the display size of 15 to 19 inches, with or without touch screen capability. Pc unit is a black box with a special waterproof cable. The computer comes with intel atom dual core 1.6 ghz and 2 gb ram. SPECIFICATIONS indeed only give a mediocre performance, but the manufacturer claims the unit can operate even when the pc submerged in water.
5. Dell Latitude XT2 Notebook xfr (IP65 rating, mil-STD-810G)
If you want to be more mobile, of course, is more suitable than a notebook computer. Mobile devices are also more vulnerable because of the weather it was not surprising if preferred waterproof notebook more than the computer. Most computers are more powerful than the above, but with a waterproof certification lower.
Panasonic Toughbook cf-31 (rating IPX5)
Panasonic says that Toughbook cf-31 waterproof and falls from a height of 1.2 meters. Toughbook cf-31 itself is equipped with a 2.4 ghz intel core i5, intel chipset qm57, 4 gb ram, and a 13-inch touchscreen display. Need a faster? Please select Getac B300 is equipped intel core i7, 8 gb ram and 160 gb ssd.
6. DLI 8300 tablet (IP67 rating, mil-STD-810G)
DLI 8300 is a pure computer in tablet form. Soak resistant casing (the dead) and the resistance falls from a height of 1.2 meters. DLI 8300 using os windows 7 with Intel Atom Z530 processor, 2 gb ram, and up to 64 gb ssd. The screen has a resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels with a size of 8.4 inches.
Amrel db-6 (IP65 rating, mil-STD-810G)
This gadget looks like a pda. However, do not value something of his outward appearance. Despite the small size with equal weights ipad, amrel db-6 is purely a computer that uses windows 7 os! With a 5-inch touchscreen, Intel Atom Z530 processor, 2gb ram, and 32 gb sata, amrel db-6 is not only small, but also fast. The gadget is also equipped with 3.5 g of data connectivity, wi-fi, and gps.
7. Mobile phones Getac mh132 (IP65 rating, mil-STD-810G)
Browsing or update your facebook status after the tsunami was possible with the gadgets above. But, for voice communications (gsm), just a phone that can do it.
What the smartphone features you? Most likely, these features there is also the Getac mh132. The difference is, this phone is not afraid of flooding. Mh132 using os windows mobile 6.5 and Qualcomm 600MHz. The phone is equipped HSUPA connectivity, wi-fi, bluetooth, and gps. Also available is a 3.2-megapixel camera, 3.2 inch touch screen, and microSD slot up to 32 gb.
Sonim XP3 quest (IP67 rating, mil-STD-810F)
though not as clever mh132 above, Sonim XP3 quest proved to have better performance "rhinoceros". IP67 rating which means it can be operated even bears being submerged (though it is hard to talk under water?) And hold a fall from a height of 2 meters. Other features include real gps (not a-gps), edge, bluetooth, flashlight, fm radio, opera mini, and a talk time of 18 hours. Sonim difficult to find in your area? You can make the Samsung B2100 Extreme Edition as an alternative option.
8. Garmin gps (IPX7 rating)
Your phone may have GPS, but sooner or later the lithium cell phone battery will die. After a disaster, it may be difficult to get a place to recharge. Garmin gps receiver uses aa batteries that can be replaced easily. All types of its top has a rating of IPX7, which means it can operate even if submerged. There are many types of options, including the oregon 450 touchscreen or conventional gpsmap 62s. Just choose as you wish.
9. Mp3 player exeze WMR (IPX8 rating)
IPX8 rating on the mp3 player exeze WMR means this gadget can be used while submerged in continuously. Equipped with 4 gb capacity and earphones specifically for use in water, exeze WMR allows you to listen to up to 1000 songs while swimming. Certainly beneficial to fight boredom when (for example) you're swimming across the Sunda Strait.
10. Laser pointer
need to give a presentation immediately after the tsunami? Then you need a laser pointer waterproof. Jetlasers (IPX8 rating) has many types of lasers and laser pointer high power waterproof. Types its top is made of titanium, resistance fall of 2 meters, and can be used continuously while submerged in water. The only problem is where to get a waterproof projector?
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