Jumat, 15 Maret 2013
Uncover 7 Related Links resignation of Pope Benedict XVI
Uncover 7 Related Links resignation of Pope Benedict XVI
Right today (28/02/2013), Pope Benedict will also be the first pope to retreat since 600 years ago. Pope will meet with the Cardinals and flew to his residence at Castle Gandolfo, Pope Benedict last day Roma.Pada the XVI will meet with the cardinal and his staff at the Vatican. This meeting did before moving to Castle Gandolfo outside Rome, Italy.
No special speech during a meeting of the Pope with his staff. They just greet each other with each other, in the Clementine Hall at the Vatican. Similarly, the BBC reported on Thursday (28/02/2013).
Before at 5.00 pm local time, Pope Benedict will leave the Vatican and went to Castle Gandolfo. In this castle, at 08.00, the Pope will wait for his official to resign.
The doors of the Vatican Palace will be closed when the Pope officially withdraw. While on guard from Switzerland officially end his duties, as a sign of his duty to protect the Pope is over.
After officially withdraw, the power of the Catholic Church will be held temporarily to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. Approximately 1.2 billion Catholics will be led temporarily by Bertone. While Pope Benedict's successor will be determined by the Cardinals in March.
So on this occasion we want to uncover some things related resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.
First, Pope Benedict XVI Know Profile
Pope Benedict XVI was elected as leader of the Catholic world in April 2005, after the death of Pope John Paul II. At that time he was 78 years old and making it one of the oldest pope in history when selected.
A professor who advanced to play the piano, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had wanted to retire as Pope John Paul II died in 2005. She said she never wanted to be Pope. Before ascending to the papal throne, he had become an important figure in the Vatican for 24 years, led what was called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Joseph Ratzinger was born in the family of farmers in the region Bavaria, Germany, in 1927, but his father was a policeman.
He is the eighth German citizen who became Pope. She mastered many languages of the world and is very fond of music composed by Mozart and Beethoven.
To find out read more read here Profile
Second, the speech planned resignation of Pope Benedict XVI
On February 11, 2013 Vatican Radio news shunt planned resignation speech Pope Benedict XVI.
In the speech of Pope Benedict XVI to make excuses for his resignation, namely:
1.Usia an advanced,
2.Kekuatannya the latter's deteriorating
To determine the content of the speech more, can see the video and transcript here Indonesian language translation
Third: Vatican spokesman resignation Pope Not For Specific Health Problems
After one day news came the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, Media shunt BBC news that the Vatican confirms that Pope Benedict's resignation reason is not due to certain health problems, the media quoted from A Vatican spokesman, Cardinal Federico Lombardi, said spokesman Joseph vaticakn Ratzinger had a pacemaker before being elected as the new Paus.Baterai replaced three months ago, and the general health condition is good Pope.
Lombardi added cardinal Pope Benedict will lead the Mass in St. Peter's Square on February 27, or the day before withdrawing officially.
So no doubt speculation bermuncul to suspect it had expected background for the resignation of the pope, but before discussing the matter of speculation, we need to know about Pope Benedict XVI's profile
Fourth, the emergence of speculation Pope resigns to Report Problems After Gay Sex and Corruption in the Vatican
A team of three cardinals had asked Benedict to investigate allegations of financial irregularities, cronyism, and corruption are revealed in what is referred to as VatiLeaks.
On December 17, 2012, the team was handed two bundles cardinal files to Benedict. Bundle file is nearly 300-page, which contains a "map details of the crime and rotten fish" in the Vatican.
"On that day, with the papers on his desk, Benedict XVI took the decision that has been so long her reflection," the newspaper reported Italy, La Repubblica as reported by News.com.au, Friday (22/02/2013).
Read: Can the Pope resigns after Sex Gay Problem Reports and Corruption in the Vatican?
Fifth, avoid the emergence of Alleged Attempts Criminal Charges
Pope Benedict plans to settle in the Vatican after his resignation was to avoid criminal charges over his alleged role in the sexual abuse of children by some unscrupulous priests worldwide.
By staying at the Vatican, Pope Benedict will receive legal protection from any attempt to put them on trial in connection with cases of sexual abuse around the world.
"His presence in the Vatican is a must, otherwise he might not be protected. He will not have immunity if it was somewhere else, "the source said.
A lawsuit against Pope Benedict the 16th was said to have received the International Criminal Court. The two lawyers who sued are from Germany, Christian Sailer and Gert-Joachim Hetzel who judge the Pope has committed crimes against humanity.
The lawsuit they mentioned that Pope Benedict umbrella agency responsible for conducting several oknumnya extortion, and coercion ..
Sixth, Circulation Substitute forecast is Pope Benedict last, because after it is Doomsday
St. Malachy is said to have traveled to Rome in 1139, where he wrote his vision of the future of the Papacy. In a series of papers which are divided into 112 phrases vague, unexplained after each incident.
Predictions were made up of a number of short phrases, which is claimed in accordance with a future Pope.
For example, the word "Out of the guardian goose" is considered to refer to Pope Alexander III (1159-1181), where his family has a picture of a swan robes.
Meanwhile, Pope John Paul II (1978-2005) referred to the phrase fits-110 on the list, "from the labor of the sun" because he was born and is buried in the days when there was a solar eclipse.
That means Benedict XVI explained the phrase to-111 "the glory of the olive" or "glory of the olive". An order that founded the Order of Saint Benedict, the symbol of the olive branch. Although Benedict XVI himself is not one of the members of the order.
to know whether the prophecy really comes from St Malakhi or False, welcome to read here: Prophecy is the successor Pope Benedict XVI is the Pope Last Suspected Fraud
Seventh, Circulation HOAX News / News lie that Pope Benedict to Islam
One issue that a lot of attention is the circulation of news, especially in social media forums, and from the menelatar issue that Pope Benedict XVI backs resignation was that he was repentance, and has become a Muslim.
and one that is used as an excuse speculation Photos "sightings" pope was praying in the Blue Mosque, the issue is, since the beginning we see and read the news, we immediately did a check n ricek truth of the news. and after searching the news, we believe that the news is NEWS LIE / HOAX.
Predators world's rarest plants
Predators world's rarest plants
although rarely we find all around us but the rat-eating plant is often found in the forests of Indonesia and is one of the rarest plants in the world.
This unique plant commonly known in Indonesia as Semar Pouch. Is a unique plant that can prey on mice and digested with chemicals it produces chemicals. Nepenthes, also known as "Ketakong" we usually find in the forests of Indonesia. The plant is small enough to be eating animals for rats. But in the Philippines, has been found semar plant bag big enough to gobble up rats rodent kind. Ketakong is called by the name of Nepenthes attenboroughii.
The discovery of this plant originated from two missionaries in 2000 trying to climb mountains Victoria. Mountain, located in palawan, Philippines that includes humans rarely visited. They climbed with little preparation to finally disappear for thirteen days before it can be saved. When they returned, they claimed to see giant semar plant bag.
It is then attracted the attention of nature lovers such as botanists Stewart McPherson and Alastair Robinson of the self as the UK and Volker Heinrich from the Philippines. All three are experts ketakong plants and has traveled to many remote areas of the search for new species
In 2007, they melakukakn espedisi for two months in the Philippines, including mountain climbing Victoria. When climbing through lowland forest, they found a large ketakong plant known as Nepenthes philippinensis, along with pink ferns and blue mushrooms which can not be diindentifikasikan.
Their findings were actually discovered in about 1,600 above sea level altitude. They found lots of great ketakong plants and knew immediately that it was not a recognized species. The new crop is named Nepenthes attenboroughii, taken from the name of broadcaster David Attenborough nature. Ketakong is one of the largest carnivorous plants, and produces spectacular traps which are not only able to catch insects, but also rodents such as mice.
Characteristic ketakong plants usually grow in large numbers. McPherson hopes the remote location inaccessible mountain would prevent poachers ruin. In the same expedition, the team also found that Nepenthes deaniana ketakong other that has not been seen 100 years, the last specimen of the species lost in a herbarium fire in 1945. When it comes down the mountain, the team is still finding new species of plants sundrew, a type of plant with sticky traps that are members of the genus Drosera.
(Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.)
In addition to the teachings of Islam taught that Islam is not being saved (go to heaven), further beyond Islam are all considered "infidels"
Whereas formerly outside Israel / Jews is that considered infidels, kafir because it means not to know and worship God the Almighty God or the Bible called him Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Israel or the God who once met at Moses.
If you think about it, man can not know God without God himself who introduced the Self as well as to Israel and Moses:
Exodus 3:6 And he said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and the God
Jacob. "And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God.
Exodus 3:15 God also said to Moses, "Thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel: The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: that is my name for ever, and that's the name of my hereditary.
Exodus 3:16. Go, gather the elders of Israel and say to them: the LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has appeared to me, and said: I've ignored you, as well as what is done to you in Egypt.
Exodus 4:5 - "that they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you."
of the paragraph above ... The people of Israel will certainly mention this experience to their offspring, so that indeed they were orang2 know God and experience the power of God himself.
QS 27:91 I just ordered this country to worship God (Mecca) that have made it sacred and belongs to Him all things, and I'm doctor or ahkan so I include those who have surrendered. إنما أمرت أن أعبد رب هذه البلدة الذي حرمها وله كل شيء وأمرت أن أكون من المسلمين
MORE IN THE QURAN Allah explains that:
Islam is not the same that was worshiped by the Israelites who worshiped (his God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or who met at Moses), because this verse clearly states a difference to be worshiped.
QS 109 Say: "O ye who disbelieve, قل يا أيها الكافرون one I will not worship what you worship. لا أعبد ما تعبدون 2 And ye are not worshipers of God that I worship. ولا أنتم عابدون ما أعبد 3 And I never be a worshiper of what you worship. ولا أنا عابد ما عبدتم 4 And you will never (again) be a worshiper of God that I worship. ولا أنتم عابدون ما أعبد 5 For you your religion and to me my religion ". لكم دينكم ولي دين 6
WHO ACTUALLY ** D infidels?
Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah ra., He said:
When we were in the mosque, the Prophet came. approached us and said: Let us go to meet Jewish people. So we went with him till we reached their area. Then the Messenger of Allah. stood and cried out: O Jews! Log in Islam surely you will be saved! They said: You have conveyed them, O Abul Qasim! Prophet. said again to them: That's what I want. Log in Islam surely you will be saved! They replied again: You deliver it, O Abul Qasim! Prophet. replied: That's what I want. Then the Prophet invited them for a third time and then said: Remember that the earth belongs to Allah and His Messenger. And actually I want to expel you all of this earth, then if any of you still have any wealth, let him sell. If not, then know that the earth belongs only to Allah and His messenger. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3311)
to Christians, Muhammad also anti,
Far more muhammad is the antichrist:
I John 2:22 Who is the liar? But he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? Such a man is the antichrist-he denies the Father and the Son.
I John 4:3 And every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it is coming and even now is already in the world.
II John 1:7. For many deceivers have gone out into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
Her conclusion is:
* Allah and that Muhammad is his anti-God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob or Israel the first of his God is present in their ancestors
* That Muhammad and his Allah is the antichrist .... not confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.
because Jesus was indeed the Messiah, the Savior of Man, who came from heaven
John 6:38 For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.
and Jesus is Lord, ... because he "came in and out of the Lord"
John 8:42 Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I came out and came from God., And I am not come of Myself, but He sent Me.
John 10:9 I am the door; whoever entered through Me, he will be safe and he would go in and out and find pasture.
Whether God might make a doctrine (religion) against his former teaching?
We know that the Jewish religion is the doctrine of God, but this teaching is only reserved for those who bleed through marriage or the Jews or the Jewish people outside the nation can not embrace this religion.
Therefore, safety first confined to the chosen people of God and of Israel itself. So beyond that there were no survivors.
God wants man to know Him, the Lord is come salvation, that God wants everyone to know Him and worship Him also survived. Therefore God through Jesus Christ by anyone other than Jews / Israel may be saved (to obtain heaven)
Acts 4:12 And there is no salvation in anyone else except in Him, because under heaven there is no other name given to men by which we must be saved. "
So when Jesus came into the world to save the LORD PLANS people outside the Jewish've accomplished
John 14:6 Jesus said to him: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
The question for us:
1. Judaism ... specifically the Jews / Israel
2. Religion Christian (follower of Jesus) ... for all the people (nation)
So whether God might be teaching against Jews, Christians which He (God) will make another counter-doctrine even with the word "ENHANCED" of "Islam"?
Do not think that because Islam is the second religion, the devil getting terhempit (IE AJARAN2NYA idols, D OTHER GOD WORSHIP, ETC ARE MISLEADING PEOPLE) that the devil makes another religion is Islam which states that Islam is the true religion?
Meaning: even though there are New Testament Christians but also the Torah entirely Christian books.
DIFFERENT WITH ISLAM: The second book (Jews and Christians) just dicomot2 and no one was taken intact from the Jewish and Christian religions.
WORSHIP DO HAJJ ngak Perna Abrham, ISAAC, JACOB, JOSEPH, Moses, Aaron, David, Jesus DLL, that although Islam (Muhammad) says that it is from Abraham.
28:17 When he saw him, they worshiped him, but some people are hesitant.
28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said: "To me has been given all authority in heaven and on earth.
28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
28:20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of time. "
(Jesus is God because He said ".... I am with you always, to the end of time.")
Remember ...: no human being that can accompany people till the end of time, but He is the Lord
(Just claim it, ... rose only angel .... who knows ....??? Was no evidence and facts)
No one told me when on a hot desert MUHAMMAD ... (HOST ISLAM) take shelter under a fig tree when drinking water in bottles and bottles stored, MUHAMMAD ... (HOST ISLAM) nodding and feet kicking bottle, well at the time she met him, and all his angels are said to have migrated cleaned, uh when you wake up in the bottled water is not depleted spill.
by True Teachings on March 24, 2011 at 13:41
Living in the world only once, eternal life in heaven and hell in this world is determined, ...
Heresies would say that forgiveness of sin is still going to hell. Those who casually judge sin and God's justice
God is a God who is fair ... Satan fell to the world because of his arrogance (that is sin), and affects many angels followers. The Lord has provided hell for the devil just waiting waktu.Tidak no sin big and small for the devil and his followers (no forgiveness from hell)
Similarly heresy jinn also say there will either go to heaven and an evil demon in hell, ... only we can tell which breathing ngak good or evil genie that only Muhammad had many see themselves without the presence of other people and we also know what breathing ngak done so jin jin sin against God (slipping into the world) >>> no written mengeni it muhammad really know the problem but >>> jin his extraordinary tale.
Therefore, this tale leave segerah aka heretical teachings that describe something without know how the first jinn.
Justice of God in Arabic is heresy own thoughts muhammad >>> means dibuat2 without knowing of God.
Humans who are not obedient to God and who do not obey the devil, in the Christian doctrine will receive the same punishment is hell its just different people in the world still have a long life, which means that humans can repent of our sins and saved by God while there is still breath.
Doctrine of Satan (misguided arab) distort the justice of God by saying that anyone who follows this doctrine (Muhammad) all go to heaven, ... in iming2 i that great sins and little sins will be rewarded a different hell and eventually all go to heaven. In other words there is forgiveness in hell.
That opinion of Arabs heresy ... who deceive people.
to ponder ... how much sin demon than human so that humans can still be forgiveness in hell ...? what is his reason ...? moslem fair to God ...?
because the devil was just arrogant man ...!! (Not to justify the devil but to open the eyes of the moslem that sin will remain eternal Hell)
Heresy says that in heaven we still have sex even do with angels, just that the problem is how to moslem women ...?? not clearly written on what wages moslem women ...!!
Moslem woman would most likely just be spectators only saw the husband and his heart's men play without fatigue.
to ponder ... whether in heaven sex savage appetite remains were taken to heaven ... ???
heresy would also love to adopt from the Bible ... seolah2 means they are taking only the true from the Bible and the others think they are not true.
Furthermore they say refined or review the contents of the Bible to their own thinking (truth sediri) seolah2 they are very smart even smarter than the writers of the Bible that the Holy Spirit was inspired ... example: Jehovah's Witness, converted to Islam and all that wear and adopting the bible so wrong.
to ponder ... If the Bible is wrong as heretical opinion for what it took, to adopt the Bible ...!!
Why ngak create a new book that did not adopt the use of the part or parts of the Bible ...?
In the Bible ... Jesus clearly says that no one knows except the Father ...
because of this verse, Islamic heresy to say that "the time that Jesus is Lord ... why doomsday ngak know ...?" and with this verse to deny the deity of Jesus Islam
Jesus is not a doomsday ngak know ... but it is not the task (plan) into the world's ...
Task (plan) principal ... Man is a rescue.
If it is given to know the ... safety plan will fail ... suppose because it alerted at 2000 year passer-by, for example, Jesus said that the end of the world in 2100:
Satan will know when he will end >>> unnecessary because the devil knows the end of his life
man at the time of the year 1-2000 is likely there will not be reclaimed or search for the truth as it may be to say "akh ... still far anyway", akh still long anyway, etc.
God desires human repentance not because of time. example ... if we (humans) knows his time will die, all men will be saved or converted. Repentance is not because we know when it should be of the self (heart).
CHILDBIRTH YG heresy heresy ... EXAMPLE:
ORIGIN heresy
Jehovah's Witnesses ARE BORN IN AMERICA, BUT doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses since NO CHRISTIANS WILL ACTUALLY BEEN THERE. PROVEN IN THE PRESENCE OF THE BIBLE Written Jehovah's Witnesses (ANTICHRIST)
Jehovah's Witnesses (Waraqa) >>> DELIVERY BY ISLAM MUHAMMAD collaborate between Jehovah's Witnesses (Waraqa) BY PAGAN Hindu Mecca.
Circumcision kissed the Black Stone in tawaf
Narratives of Umar bin Khathab ra.:
When Umar bin Khathab kissed the Black Stone (black stone), he said: By Allah, I know that you are a rock, had I not seen the Messenger of Allah. kiss you, surely I will not kiss you. (Saheeh Muslim, No.2228)
Qs 27:91 I just ordered this country to worship God (Mecca) that have made it sacred and belongs to Him all things, and I was told that I am among those who submit.
I John
2:18. Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists. That we know that this really is the last time.
I John
2:22 Who is the liar? But he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? Such a man is the antichrist-he denies the Father and the Son.
I John
4:3 And every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it is coming and even now is already in the world.
II John
1:7. For many deceivers have gone out into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
10:9 That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
The heresy of believing in Jesus as a human being just like the prophets, apostles.
In fact, the Gospel writers clearly recognize Jesus is Lord, because the core of the Gospel is that Jesus is Lord and Savior. BIBLE BY THE AUTHOR AND D IN THE HOLY SPIRIT inspired VERY CLEAR WRITE:
28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
28:20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of time. "
John 10
10:30 I and the Father are one. "
Group 5 Most Hidden World
Group 5 Most Hidden World
Religious beliefs and traditions often makes people dogmatic ideological groups, causing them to isolate from the mainstream society and become defensive secret conviction. They believe themselves to be part of some sacred mission to change the world and spend their lives following the teachings of their leaders. This often leads to people moving in a closed but has roots that spread throughout the nations. They have their secret laws and activities that are often hidden from non-members. These organizations make the esoteric doctrine known only to their members, and are hidden from ordinary people. So let's look at some of the world of secret societies that formed long ago and most still live and carry out their moves in secret.
The Order of Nine Angles
The Order of Nine Angles (ONA) is a secret evil organization that arose among the people of Great Britain in the 1980's and 1990's. These communities claim to be followers of Satanism and regard it as a very individual pursuit to create self-excellence and wisdom, by facing challenges and overcoming the limits of physical and mental health. Currently, Ona arranged around the secret cells known as traditional nexions and in syllables creepy. Ona writings odd considering human sacrifice as a way to eliminate flaws and claim that the evil tribes are an important part of the strategy to carry out the mission of evil, more enjoyable way of life, and to disrupt and eventually conquered the common people.
Thule Society
Thule Society of Germany. Brotherhood of Death Society whose ideas centered on reaching the New World Order which is very strange in simple terms means killing people to reduce the population. The members of the community who are in Thule practicing Sexual Magic and Black Magic. Exhibition supernatural Thule Society regularly held, during which time they communicated with demons which people either dead or just emerging as their guiding spirits. Adolf Hitler joined this society in 1919 under the leadership of Dietrich Eckhart. Eckhart involves Hitler's demonic magic ritual that ultimately made sexually impotent Hitler considered the cause of why Hitler became so sadistic killer.
According to the Wikipedia definition, Freemasonry is a fraternal organization of public spirited that has existed since the 17th century. Freemasonry's central activities remain charitable work within a local or wider community but the community has a large amount of controversy and the real secrets buried in its long history. It has been said that the Masons claim that Masonry is open to any one of any faith and that it was a brotherhood to help other Masons. But that's just to attract more people to this community. G symbols used in their signs actually translates to Masonic gnosis or generation with Lucifer and God as the main enemy of Christianity. Mason took the oath rather deadly blood oath to any degree to 33 degrees. They swear allegiance to God and country Masonry above all else, and under penalty of death, vowed never to reveal the secrets of Freemasonry - not even to their wives.
Skull and Bones
According to the Wikipedia definition, Freemasonry is a fraternal organization of public spirited that has existed since the 17th century. Freemasonry's central activities remain charitable work within a local or wider community but the community has a large amount of controversy and the real secrets buried in its long history. It has been said that the Masons claim that Masonry is open to any one of any faith and that it was a brotherhood to help other Masons. But that's just to attract more people to this community. G symbols used in their signs actually translates to Masonic gnosis or generation with Lucifer and God as the main enemy of Christianity. Mason took the oath rather deadly blood oath to any degree to 33 degrees. They swear allegiance to God and country Masonry above all else, and under penalty of death, vowed never to reveal the secrets of Freemasonry - not even to their wives.
The Order of Skull and Bones, a Yale University community, originally known as the Brotherhood of Death and was founded in 1832 by students. Society is surrounded by conspiracy theories, the most popular is probably the idea that the founders of the CIA was a member of this group. But the other truth is more surprising is that unlike the others, hiding a dark secret society of evil practices as well. Sexual activities they put into their practices where they lay naked in coffins to tell them the deepest sexual secrets and darkest, as part of their initiation. As Ona their main goal is the New World Order. Ron Rosenbaum in his writings also show that Bones and the Bavarian Illuminists closely related to each other, providing evidence such as' haunting picture altar room at one of the Masonic lodges at Nuremberg that is closely associated with Illuminism. "Surprisingly, President Bush is an expert in American Brotherhood of the Yale Skull and Bones Society.
Apart from some very famous secret societies of all time is Rosicrucianism, Order Templis Orientis, Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn, The Knights Templar, the Illuminati, Opus Dei and the Priory of Sion.
Assassin is considered as the most frightening of all secret societies are killed each victim regardless of guards and security personnel. They were brutal murder of people famous and feared by the kings, princes, sheikhs and sultans. Most of the early members of a secret group of followers Nizari branch of the Shia Muslim sect Iliyya Isma located mainly in Syria and Persia. Community led by Hasan bin Sabbah (1034-1124) who created a group of fans, known as the Fedayeen, who did whatever he peerintahkan with blind obedience. They appear as a simple farmer during the day, but became violent and very capable fighter in the dark of night, attacking their victims in the dark.
7 Giants in the World's Most Admired Technology
7 Giants in the World's Most Admired Technology
What technology companies are most admired in the world? Prestigious business magazine Fortune regularly compiles a list ranking.
Companies on the list is operating in various sectors of industry, not only from the field of technology. But apparently, the company that operates in the world of technology dominates the top rankings.
Which tech company ranks high? Consider the following list.
1. Apple
For the sixth consecutive time, Apple ranks first. Not only among technology companies, but being pemuncak list of all the companies listed in the Fortune count.
Fortune highlighted that Apple is facing sizable challenges as its stock price continues to decline and the failure of Apple Maps. But in the last quarter, they are still the most profitable companies in the world with USD 13 billion profit.
They are still firm played in the premium segment. Where gadgets like the iPhone or iPad is still seen as a prestige for the fans.
2. Google
This online search engine giant runner up position in the overall list. Google is admired by many innovations that result.
Products other than search engines like Google's hugely successful Android became the most popular smartphone operating system in the world today. Then the various video sites YouTube continues to gain high traffic.
Google earned billions of dollars of advertising. And they consistently top the list of the most coveted by job seekers.
3. Amazon.com
Amazon increasingly menggurita as e commerce giant. The company established this guy named Jeff Bezos sells almost all kinds of goods.
With a fairly cheap price of goods and services that satisfy most customers, Amazon is very difficult to surpass. Jeff Bezos started to diversify its business.
They released their Android tablet PC called the Kindle Fire at affordable prices competitors dibandigkan. So do not be surprised if this gadget sold like hotcakes in the United States.
4. IBM
IBM is an old name in the world of technology that still respected. They continue to reap solid earnings in the business enterprise.
In developing countries, IBM began to reap huge market share. In Brazil, India, China and Russia, for example, they posted a record 11% market growth.
IBM is also well known as a maker of super computers with highly sophisticated computational capabilities. Which contribute to the development of science.
5. Microsoft
Microsoft is still difficult to surpass in the PC segment. Where is Windows software made by them is still a favorite for the majority of users, where they recently launched Windows 8.
Revenue vendor founded Bill Gates is almost always stable. In addition to Windows, they made software like Office are still widely used.
And although they struggled in the smartphone industry, Microsoft still has many successful product lines. Like the Xbox game console which eventually became the best-selling product is currently in its segment.
6. Samsung Electronics
Samsung is the middle name very uphill lately. They have existed as a manufacturer of mobile phones and smartphones in the world.
Products like the Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note II received a warm welcome in the market, selling tens of millions of units. Samsung is also the world's largest television manufacturer.
Samsung Samsung dominance in the industry is predicted to persist even if the competition is getting hotter. With the arrival of the Galaxy S IV in mid-March.
7. Intelligence
Intel is still very dominant in the processor industry. The processor used in the majority of their homemade PCs sold in the market.
Indeed, Intel is at a loss at a time when consumers begin interested in mobile devices. Where in this sector, the dominance of the UK company ARM is very pronounced. Artificial ARM chip architecture used in the majority of mobile devices.
However, Intel began to seriously shake the dominance of ARM. Where they've released some Intel Atom-based smartphone in collaboration with major vendors.
The events unique in the World
The events unique in the World
almost no sense, but ..... this fact has happened and is banar facts.
if you want to know, look directly aja gan below .... complete with photos.
1. The baby survived thrown from seventh floor
World's most unique events
A baby girl 15 months unnamed survived when thrown from the seventh floor of an apartment building. He was lucky because a man immediately arrested.
Babies origin Capital Paris, France, was playing near the window with no supervision. When he fell the man saw him and ran as fast as lightning struck the boy. Mass around the scene estimated the man's rugby player, game balls from the United States.
2. Taliban training monkeys with AK-47
Taliban militants in Afghanistan have created an army of monkey mujahideen. No half-hearted, the monkey and the baboon's practice with AK-47 assault rifle to fire the U.S. military in 2010.
This incident made many people wonder. Even the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) took to investigate the case.
3. The steward stops working when the plane is in the air
Action is really strange but actually happened. The man named Steven Slater, JetBlue flight attendant profession as the flights between the states in the United States decided to quit his job despite the fact that it was the middle iron bird took off.
Steven from the city of Pittsburgh, State of Pennsylvania, opened the emergency door and jump directly using rubber launcher. He stopped working because of a fight with one passenger. Before doing the action, he first took the microphone and cursing passengers.
4. Triplets is 11 years old
This is probably the most bizarre events ever happened universal mother from Birmingham City, England, named Lisa Shepherd. She gave birth to triplets, but the last baby apart within 11 years of her siblings.
The three children were named Bethany and Megan was born in 1998, while in the midst of their twin Ryleigh emerging into the world three years ago.
According to the doctors to handle the birth of the triplets, Bethany and Megan have a strong embryo to survive and was born just in time. While embryonic Ryleigh weak to be frozen 11 years and finally he was born in 2010.
5. Shot in the head and found out five years later
An unnamed German man did not know if he had been shot in the head on New Year's Eve 2004 because very drunk.
The man realized a .22 caliber bullet embedded in the head in 2009. It was by accident when he went to the doctor with a stomach complaint.
He admitted that night as a heavy object hit in the head. But he thought it was not something that matters.
Most Beautiful Lakes Water and most unique in the World
Most Beautiful Lakes Water and most unique in the World
Bonito is the heart of eco-tourism in Brazil as well known for its natural beauty, prehistoric caves, waterfalls, and clear blue waters. One of the most beautiful is the Blue Lake Cave (Gruta do Lago Azul). Remarkably, it is believed that no human being ever to set foot in the cave containing the cobalt blue water, until 1924, when an Indian from the Terena tribe found.
Most Beautiful Lakes Water and most unique in the World
That's not nothing, in the depth of the cave 328 feet (100 meters), many mammalian fossils from about 10,000 years ago were discovered by cave divers, such as bones belonging Saber-tooth tigers and giant ground loris. Because the water is so clear, it's hard to imagine that Blue Lake Cave has a depth of about 295 feet (90 meters).
Adventurers begin with a hike through the woods, then caving through extensive cave entrances that allow incoming sunlight illuminates the beautiful blue water and the stalactites and stalagmites with different sizes.
Here is the beauty of Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and several outstanding ecotourism adventures and unusual and true natural treasures including the beautiful Blue Lake Cave ...
Rainbow over the countryside in the state of Bonito, Brazil
Waterfalls in Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul. Bonito is the heart of eco-tourism in Brazil. During the rainy season, from December to March, very green vegetation and provide plenty of food for wildlife; river rapids and waterfalls are abundant. Between May and August, rainfall is much less so somewhat less spectacular waterfalls.
Wikipedia explains: Pantanal is ecological paradise right in the heart of Brazil. This is a low-lying watery planet's biggest and third-largest environmental reserve in the world, "Mato Grosso do Sul" famous for its natural beauty, and is the main destination of domestic and international tourism .. Pantanal lowlands covering 12 cities and serves a wide variety of flora and fauna, forest, natural sand, savanna, open grassland, fields and bushes. Bonito City, in the mountains Bodoquena, has prehistoric caverns, natural river, waterfalls, pools and the Blue Lake Cave.
"Snorkling in Rio da Prata." According to Wikipedia, "Bonito is a relatively newly discovered and dubbed the" Caribe do Centro-Oeste '(Caribbean from Central-West) because the water is blue. Huge amount of lime in the soil, making the river water through a natural filter where terendapkan dirt into the river, making the river is clear and be one of the rivers clearest and most transparent in the world.
Fish swim in the blue waters of incredible clarity in Silver Bonito River (Rio da Prata).
The pretty Blue Lake Cave has a remarkable history since its existence was not known until 1924. And it is believed that no man had ever set foot in this cave until found by local Indians, Terena tribe.
It comes down to Blue Lake Cavern.
Mato Grosso do Sul name literally means 'Dense Forests of the South' in Portuguese, a name inherited from the name next to the northern states, Mato Grosso, where the area was once a part of Mato Grosso to the 1970's.
In 1992 a Franco-Brazilian expedition of cave divers, found many fossils of mammals at the Blue Lake Cave, including the Saber-tooth tigers and giant ground sloth Megatherium americanum called means "giant beast" that lives on Plestocine Era - 6000 to 10,000 year.
Underground adventure Gruta do Lago Azul.
Since the entrance of the cave is so vast, flowing sun illuminate illuminate caves and cobalt blue crystal clear water. Here, a beam of sunlight focused on cave formations.
Blue Lake may seem superficial, but actually very deep and nearly 300 feet deep.
Cave filled with stalactites and stalagmites formations
Gruta Do Lago Azul, or Blue Lake Cave, also called the Blue Lake Grotto.
Looking up from the cave lake blue.
Blue Lake Cave in Bonito Brazil.
Gruta do Lago Azul is part of one of the largest cavity of water on the planet.
In addition to Blue Lake Cave, another cave beautiful ecotourism in Bonito is Abismo Anhumas, known as "The Hole", and recently opened for exploration in 1999.
Explore Caverns Now explain that in Abismo Anhumas, visitors must descend 236 feet (72 meters) down through the hole into a deck floating in the crystal clear lake that has a depth of 262 feet (80 meters). Visitors can swim or dive in the large formations underwater, some have a 65 feet high (20 meters).
Beautiful Reflection on Blue Lake Grotto in Bonito
5 Hand Phone Jadul popular in World
5 Hand Phone Jadul popular in World
A cell phone is already popular in Indonesia since the late 90s. Long before the era of the iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android, there are a lot of HP-HP and master emerging mobile phone market at the time. Well, in case you forgot or maybe even a new born at the time, MBDC will invite you to reminisce, remember back 5 cell phones that ever so popular in his day!
5. Nokia 3210
Thin and replaceable cover, the Nokia 3210 is one of the most popular mobile phone in his time. He said this is also one of the best-selling mobile phone of all time you know. Nokia 3210 is also the first mobile phone antenna in the palace. Nokia 3210 so popular until-until there is a guessing game inspired by HP's: Mobile what could be a bomb? 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... 0 Duars!! Anjrit, in 2000 abis becandaannya.
4. Ericsson T10
Before they merged together Sony, Ericsson is making HP itself. One of their most popular HP is T10, an HP flip the colors. But different from the same Nokia 3210, they cover not replaceable. So if you want a collection of all the colors, you have to buy all of his cell phone.
3. Nokia 8210
At the time, the Nokia 8210 is the phone that the smallest and most lightly. So small, HP is using that is really hard for SMS, let alone the same people who thumb big. HP used to be one expensive and I think you're just my friends have decent HP's richest.
2. Motorola RAZR
Once Nokia is HP's most popular. But in design, Nokia not always the most sexy. Well, here's where the Motorola RAZR entry. Compared to Nokia, RAZR features weve not as good as the HP-HP Nokia. But in terms of form, the RAZR is emang cool. So thin and elegant impression. People who are overly market Nokia, Motorola RAZR usual flight to this. Though HP's actually this one is not bad market at the time.
1. Nokia 5110
And this is the first mobile phone a million people. Nokia 5110 is one of the first HP cover can be changed, so all those who have a cell phone can have a unique cover. But the change-change feature is actually ordinary cover aja. The most special of the Nokia 5110 actually is because the Nokia 5110 had Snake game! This is a popular mobile game ages ago, long before the era Angry Birds. Now keliatannya is sad, but the past, the high score Snake can affect the social status you know.
5 Most Attractive Swimming Pool in the World
5 Most Attractive Swimming Pool in the World
Swimming pool is certainly not unusual following a general pool because the pool 5 is built with the unusual concept so they can make a different sensation for whom to swim in the pool below the pond renag curious what wrote it see below.
5 swimming pools most interesting and unique in the World
1. Swimming Pool Largest / Longest
Most Attractive Swimming Pool in the World
Biggest pool in the world according to the Guinness World Book of Records is located in a resort called San Alfonso del Mar, Chile. The length of this pool reaches 1,000 meters and its depth reaches 35 meters.
No wonder it took a lot of water for filling swimming pools, which is around 250 million liters of water. Wow! Cool again, the water used to fill the pool was taken out of the water in the Pacific Ocean are filtered and processed first.
2. Swimming Pool Terseram
Overview of a swimming pool worth 1.8 billion dollars available at The Golden Nugget may look ordinary. But if we look more closely, in the pool, there are three levels of water slides, waterfalls, and a large aquarium containing sharks.
A thrilling, we can swim in the shark aquarium, of course with special precautions. Hopefully strong enough to accommodate the aquarium's sharks yah?
3. Swimming Pool darkest
It was very fitting that this pool is called the dark pool. Because the pool is located in the limestone dome, 17 meters below ground. The pool temperature within the cave is always kept warm, around 35 degrees Celsius.
Because this underground pool is located around the ski area in Homestead Centre, Utah. Interestingly, the pool water is rich in minerals, you know!
4. Deepest Swimming Pool
No wonder Nemo 33 pool located in Uccle, Belgium is famous for being the deepest pools. You see, the most in the pool reaches 32 meters. Wah! We can survive not ya, if swim there? Do not worry, because this place is one of the largest scuba diving training in the world.
So, we can all learn to dive here. Moreover, there are two levels before we reach the deepest point, the depth of 5 meters and 10 meters.
5. Swimming Pool most sophisticated
There are many interesting stories about the swimming pool floating on the river Spree, Berlin, Germany this. Swimming pool Badeschiff meaning 'ship to shower' is, made from old cargo containers and unused.
Sophistication of the pool can be used in all seasons and weather. In the summer, the pool is an outdoor pool and a lot of parties are often held here. But, in winter, the cover pool will be raised to the indoor pool and sauna to warm the body added.
5 phobias Its Not Ordinary And Most Unique in the World
5 phobias Its Not Ordinary And Most Unique in the World
asa excessive fear to influence the emotional side of a person, it can lead to phobias. Some people with specific phobias may not be able to travel to some places that can trigger excessive anxiety because of phobia.
Starting from the fear of traveling to a super cool to be afraid to places that forced him to wait a long time, the following 5 types of unusual phobias trip, as reported by Only My Health,
1. Cryophobia: Fear Travel to The Ber-es
People who are afraid to go over to places of extreme cold temperatures, may have a specific phobia that is cryophobia. Some places in the world have a temperature below -40 degrees Celsius which makes the surrounding environment to be frozen like ice.
Some place with the coldest temperatures in Alaska Umiat eg, International Fall in Minnesota, Yakutsk in Siberia, and several other places. People with cryophobia will usually avoid traveling to these places.
2. Hodophobia: Fear of vehicles thrown off driven by Other People
This phobia can occur due to excessive anxiety and distrust the people who drive land vehicles. People who have a phobia of traveling overland with a vehicle driven by another person, known as hodophobia.
People with hodophobia prefer to drive yourself, as this can help to control yourself from fear and can relax along the way.
3. Macrophobia: Fear of Waiting Too Long
All people do not like to wait, but there are some people who have a great fear while waiting. Some tourist destinations are packed with visitors on a holiday, it may force you to wait in line or queue entry using the vehicles the game.
Imagine going to wait for a long time can make a person with panic macrophobia to vomit, even before he was actually waiting.
4. Heliophobia: Fear of the Sun
A phobia is a little odd, in which someone who has heliophobia be afraid of exposure to sunlight. So that he would avoid places that makes exposure to sunlight in a longer time.
People with heliophobia probably will avoid traveling to Gated-place during the day time longer than mlam day. As the city of Yuma, Arizona, which gets sun shines an average of about 11 hours a year.
5. Limnophobia: Fear Lake or Sea
Limnophobia is excessive fear that if he had had to be close to a lake, pond, ocean or other large water. People with limnophobia will avoid such places and very anti traveling by boat.
10 Transport Innovation unique in the World
10 Transport Innovation unique in the World
1. Robot Pedal Bicycles for bike
Want to get around by bike? enjoy the breeze in the morning, but you are too lazy to pedal a bike? Relaxing is the answer, with this bike you do not need to pedal yourself, because this bike diayuh by robotic assistance. This robot will be behind you, you just need to ride the bike and let the robot do the job. Heavy bikes and robots around 200 pounds, so it does not light up, but it is a style - the attractive and frightening concept.

A monorail people can be controlled anywhere.
Currently only in a New Zealand theme park, monorail pedal consists of long rails with 'pod' individual hanging down, which can go up to 30 miles per hour.
3. View Vehicles
This is a car designed to look at the view.
For people who want to own a car but do not want menyetirnya myself, maybe this is the answer. With this car seat enough motorists and vehicles will run in the direction of your goals, with room for 7 passengers, and transparent walls that can see the view freely. The designer estimates that this car will be out by 2040 gan!
4. Solar Powered Luxury Car
With a very slim physically similar to other electric futuristic concept vehicle, BMW Lovos remains prominent in one major way: it has scales. Scale Solar, exactly, who serves as producer of wind-energy and air resistance brake. Created by Anne Forschner, a graduate of Pforzheim University in Germany, the concept of electric vehicles may not be the most practical or realistic ever designed, but it certainly has a unique look.
5. New Car Modifications Subaru
With a seriously upgraded suspension and engine supercharged Subaru can make it anywhere, there is no other possible Subaru: off-road, the snow and ice but this latest subaru named Subaru Impreza WRX STI majorly altered, created by the American rally car driver Ken Block , easily zips through the winter landscape and led the snowboard to further up the mountain.
6. Emission Car From Renault
While American cars are still debating the pros and cons of selling the all-electric vehicle, Renault's European brand made its debut with four electric cars at the 2009 Frankfurt Motor Show. A family car and a five-passenger SUV "city car". All four cars will be available to be issued in 2012.
7. Folding Bikes
What could make it more environmentally friendly, but with two legs to walk alone and riding a bike. For people who live close to work, or live in a small apartment, bicycle transport would be ideal if it is compact enough practical bike. And the inventors were making bikes that can be stored folded and stored in the closet! Once folded, sepedapun can easily be drawn on the road with one end of his handlebars.
8. Robot Electric Car
Just like strollers in malls, stackable electric vehicles can be rented in the big cities and then returned to the kiosk to be refilled. CityCars very small, with room for two passengers and a minimal amount of luggage, and can be smaller than the parking lot. Created by researchers at MIT CityCar concept may come to U.S. cities faster because General Motors is currently working on a prototype.
9. Bicycle Anti Theft
These bikes can not be stolen, with a "fingerprint reader" that only allows the owner to ride it. This tire will never Bengkong. The bike looks futuristic designed by Olympic cyclist Chris Boardman remove many reasons for people to tidakmenggunakan to have a bike, but the price of this beautiful bike about $ 4,000. Currently only a concept, and expect Boardman bikes next 2 decades will be out on the market.
10. Segway vehicle
This is a concept vehicle with futuristik.Meskipun still just walking around 12mph and it took about an hour to recharge.
5 Most Scary and the most sophisticated weapons in the World
5 Most Scary and the most sophisticated weapons in the World
The end of the Cold War does not mean the end of the race the manufacture of weapons by some countries in the world. The grounds to defend the sovereignty of their territory continues to develop weapons are the most technologically advanced and destroy.
Here are some of the most sophisticated and destroy weapons:
1. Railgun

2. Synthetic Organisms Bio Design
Maybe this is the Pentagon's mad science that has been created, with the most radical project. DARPA looking to re-write the laws of evolution to the military advantage, creating "synthetic organisms" that can live forever - or can be killed with the flick of a molecular switch. DARPA issued a grant of U.S. $ 6 million (USD 53.7 billion) project to create the micro-organisms 'are programmed to live forever'. Micro organism contains molecules that help to survive, and can be used to kill only the flick of a switch. Debut of this weapon are still unknown. (Bio Design Synthetic Organisms).
DARPA jugaberencana to spend $ 20 million to run the new synthetic biology program, and $ 7.5 million spent to be "increasing speeds decades we sort.
3. Killer weapons owned by China
4. Hybrid Insect MEMS (HI-MEMS)
HI-MEMS consists of a half insect and half machine. First, micro-mechanical systems inside the insects are placed during metamorphosis. Insects operates like a remote control car. HI-MEMS will be used to collect information using sensors, such as a microphone or a gas detector. Debut weapon is unknown.
5. DREAD Silent Weapon System
Imagine pistol without a cock, no noise, no heat, gunpowder, and no termination or any bottlenecks. Now imagine that this gun could fire .308 caliber .50-caliber projectile metal accurately up to 8,000 fps (feet per second), featured an infinitely variable and be able to put a 360-degree field of fire. This system has the capability of firing 120 thousand rounds per minute. This weapon is fully electric driven, not gunpowder. This means the weapon takakan voice and there will be no heat. Debut weapon is unknown.
Most Genius Man figure in the World
Most Genius Man figure in the World
According to his father, Peek already have strong memories from the age of 16-20 months. He read the book, considering its contents, then return the books to the shelf upside down to show that he had finished reading it.
Most Genius Man in the World
He was reading a book in an average of one hour, and remember almost everything he read, given the information that is broad in terms of history, literature, geography, numbers, sports, music and dates.
Mechanical read by reading the left page with his left eye and the right page with his right eye, the way he can read two pages at a time with 8-10 seconds per page rate. He could remember the content of 12,000 books.

They are indeed a genius who is born in his time each. But now we will not talk about them, because that will be discussed this time is a figure SUPERJENIUS, he aka The Rain Man Kim Peek.
The Early Life of Kim Peek
Kim was born in 1951 with head size 3 times larger than the normal size of a baby's head. In addition, Kim was also sentenced to suffer encephalocele, a kind of wound in the back of the head that shows some of his brain protruding.
At the age of three, it was more widespread injury and damage to some brain Kim. By 1983, Kim underwent X-rays that successfully pushed weirdness going on in the brain Kim, which Kim's brain has only one piece! In other words, the brain is divided into Kim's not the right brain and left brain like a normal person.
Then, after further investigation, it was shown that half of the reintroduction of the brain Kim has been split into three parts.
Various checks were not also provide information about the cause of the genius of Kim, but only cause of disability. Kim has disadvantages in terms of motor skills, and even to take a shower and brush my teeth did not do it alone.
When Kim was born, the doctor sentenced him as 'retarded' or 'mentally handicapped' and he advised both parents Kim to take her to a nursing home. But at that Fran and his wife brought home Kim and introducing Kim to the book.
At the age of three, Kim asked Fran what the word "secret". Playfully, Fran told her son to look up in the dictionary. "He was not able to walk," he recalls, "so he crawled to the table, lifted her onto the table and about 30 seconds later he called 'See you!'"
At the age of 4.5 years Kim had memorized eight initial volume of a set of encyclopedias in the house. In fact, recently it has been revealed that Kim can read two pages simultaneously and absorb it in just 10 seconds! Best of the information he obtained was not going to forget him. Amazing!
Besides the ability to memorize and arithmetic are far above average, Kim also loved music and learned to play piano at Dr. April Greenan from the University of Utah.
"He has a phenomenal musical ability and more than just memorizing", says Dr.Greenan. "When Kim heard a symphony when he was a kid, and then heard it again at the age of 53 years, she was able to find out if there is a small mistake in the music game."
A genius Kim Peek
Indeed, what the doctor says that Kim is delivered correctly, that Kim is not an autistic genius, but more appropriately called a man with mental retardation who superjenius.
Because a genius usually have extraordinary skills in 3 areas. But Kim, the superjenius, has great ability in at least 15 different fields!
This is because the ability to memorize 12,000 books, predict the weather and have the musical ability like Mozart! No one else in the world that has the capacity of the brain such as Kim Peek.
American Space Agency (NASA) was interested in using a variety of advanced equipment, such as brain imaging and data fusion techniques, to discover the secret behind the amazing Kim brainpower.
When Kim was asked about his opinion on the measures to be taken to NASA, he replied, "It's the best." Why would he know everything? "Because I have a great love of all that I see," said Kim.
It's hard to talk with Kim. His mind is able to move at high speed. But with the help of Fran, Kim has always guided to return to the original subject.
In a public speech, one told me that he grew up in the town of Cirencester. "That is the name of a Roman camp, Corin," said Kim. "Corinium," said the man as he corrected the statement Kim. But later, after checking again, Kim is correct. Because the Romans took the name Corinium of the Celtic languages, Corin.
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